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Ocean too narrowly escaped being Li Wei gas to the crooked nose ,find what he ask the Japanese captured by transforming into eight road experience ,also said that what he is professional ,Ding Heyang troubles ,it is not pure enough ,this several Japanese contemptuous look wolf early shoot good morning .
Even Ding Heyang has some dissatisfaction with the Chen Jiayao clerk put these prisoners threw Li Wei ,think of also mixed in a team of several of these captives ,Ding Heyang felt is got into big trouble .
relationresultIn the threeclass only Brontosaurus and Deng Feng still keep a straight face like NIMBY ,KFC product and Meng Zisu two people already covered the belly laugh faster cramp ,Zhang Meng is also the mouth open, a face nerve retarded shape at Li Wei Old God in shape to take if depleted in these poor prisoners .
relationresultSeveralJapanese prisoner was tougher ,as a team,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, not to escape ,in other words ,they also saw Li Wei .If you want to escape .No running a few steps, maybe just a silvery steel Suozha in afterbrain spoon, the two battalion of the team .
Escape is almost impossible .relationresultLi Weizheng andFan Guowen a few people with Mark Qin heavy machine guns ,maintenance work ,this several day of fighting and marching for weapons use state is not very good ,need to adjust parts .
relationresultWei Zi ,ray monitor for you ,captured the accident ! A soldier stationed two pant for breath to even houses camp ,find the heavy machine gun .relationresultWhat captive Zhawo ?! Li Weitou thought is the Japanese prisoners escape ,no effort to the soldier next words, jump up and holding a gun to a resident run .
Let the prisoners ran it in big trouble .relationresultBe rash and too much in hasteback to the resident ,Li Wei saw a bunch of soldiers is a circle ,shouted : how ?How. , relationresultWei Zi ,come on ! Brontosaurus towards beckoned to Li Wei , you have a look how to do ?! , relationresultLi Weiinto the crowd to look, a Japanese prisoner is lying on the floor ,a half-dead appearance, on the edge of several captive with a hurt look .
relationresultLi Wei put theJapanese prisoner lifted off of a look, is what the young soldier Takaoka Jiro .Li Wei raised his head ,looked around ,and asked : how is this ?! , relationresultThis ,just have fellow-townsman pulling an ox to pass by here ,do not know how, suddenly went off ,we dodge ,make ox captives hit ,the prisoner looked hurt quite heavy ,Wei ,you look at how to do it .
Brontosaurus close to Li Wei to unexpected after the side ,finally made the prisoner is for fun ,or to find people to pay ,to Li Weilai .relationresultLi Weiglanced around the warrior ,a face do not care about looks, hold cattle cow with fellow people disappeared ,everybody hates Japs prisoners are too ,now the medical conditions even its own people do not consider on ,where will think of find a doctor to the unfortunate prisoner to treat an injury ,it is killed a prisoner was damn .
relationresultIt isthe evil gate ,even the cattle are a small Japanese not pleasing to the eye ,the unlucky prisoner ,Li Wei sniffled stood up ,habitual taking thorn in hand to get a fight ,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online.
relationresultThoseJapanese captives eyes has exposed the mood with despair ,Li Wei hand fighting thorn turning sashimi and up and down ,don look before the Eight Route Army soldier can say two words ,give them some food and drink ,but if someone like Takaoka Jiro half-dead injury, is almost a lost any value to weight ,with the knee can imagine get Takaoka Jiro out ,even the Japanese army would not for ordinary prisoners given any treatment ,executed on the spot is almost the best way .
relationresultAlthough Takaoka Jirowas great pain to move, shortness of breath ,not words, but was still awake ,is unable to lie on the ground, silently waiting for Li Wei about their fate ,perhaps remembered Li Wei once said about home and family, Takaoka Jiro eyes the tears ,he resigned .
relationresultSee a doctor ,to cure his wounds . Li Wei said softly, in a word ,as a pot of hot oil suddenly fell into a ladle of cold water .relationresultLi Weihow is this ?!It never happens to you !The surrounding soldiers like to blow ,Li Weihua has a very puzzled, when the heart hand firm Li Wei to capture conscience? !relationresultWei Zi ,dry what to these captive waste precious medicines ,give him a bullet on the line .
The same with doubts .relationresultThe devil I useful ?!Live is a ! Li Weiyao shook his head ,used in modern times ,always listen to people say what Chinese out traitors ,this time he will make up his mind to train several days of rape ,three regiment is the old Red Army ,put a few small Japanese prisoners for red ,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday,later called the Red Army ,let them go to their own ghost busting ,Chinese or save strength of .
relationresultBrontosaurusis of course not understand Li Wei have an ulterior motive ,to those Japanese captives and for soldiers as silly as opens his mouth to look to Li Wei ,the goods he is really the sun rises in the west .
relationresultOn the groundthat he had a slim chance of survival by Takaoka Jiro in the brain a blank ,he couldn the Eight Route Army would treat him so a little so well ,the heart of Li Wei is no longer a special hatred .
relationresultThe three regimentmedical team several doctors and nurses from was not willing to give what the devil captive injury ,Li Weiyi did not start to moving, luckily forest Xinyu for Li Wei to say a few words, few nurses and doctors to agree to the juvenile Japanese captives treatment ,good medicine is don with traditional Chinese medicine against the earth .
relationresultTakaoka Jiro ishonest have a medical team handling injury ,without using any hostile eyes looked at the Eight Route Army man ,silently let the Eight Route Army doctor is complex and his broken bones ,apply medicine ,fixed wrap ;other Japanese prisoners as well ,without any conflict behavior ,even at the end of treatment, there are several captives initiative to the medical team of doctors and nurses bowed ,as give the enemy so the fair treatment of the army immediately won the respect and gratitude of Japanese captives .
relationresultThese* * on him the little soldier return with kindness ,heavy impact on Takaoka Jiro ,before the officers said the Chinese Eight Route Army caught the Japanese captured soldiers are not executed locally ,or buried alive ,killing or speech by collapse of itself ,even look the most fiercely that Li Wei Chinese soldiers ,but no for they have any substance abuse victimization behaviors ,but also enough food ,or even personally called their doctors to cure .
relationresultExperienceall the broken Takaoka Jiro their perception of China ,when they began to confront the Eight Route Army ,felt more and more do not understand it ,in such difficult conditions, the Chinese virtue and heroic, first let the prisoners begin to think the war will be brought to the Japanese nation influence of Li Wei ,although many words are not so pleasant ,but think carefully but have to admit really has some truth .
relationresultCome on ,kid ,eat something ! Li Wei came to the wrapped like a mummy ,Takaoka Jiro stretcher ,with a bowl of porridge to feed Takaoka Jiro small .relationresultThese daysthe Japs to tie Li Wei to suffer ,not optimistic about the prisoner ,a cow hit the captive thing ,nature is the responsibility of Li Wei ,in order to make up for their mistakes ,which he personally take care of the unlucky devil dressing and diet .
relationresultHey ,what you drop tears beads ?! Li Wei suddenly found the Japanese captured two do not know when put two string of tears .relationresultIfnot bully him ?!Li Wei puzzled look to the sky ,the small Japanese how would cry ,it sucks .
relationresultTheJapanese captured mumbled : right, I ?! Burst into tears .relationresultIt isa dead you see , relationresultTo hearLi Weizhi !I move sheire who I am ,and curse my mom Related articles:

